What Rules?

I am here to tell you that no matter what rules you think you need to follow, you don’t. You have the ability to make up your life anyway that you want to, and gooddamn it, you should.

For so long I have been living my life the way society wants me to live and think. I followed the rules. I woke up, I followed the rules, I think the thoughts that everyone else thinks and then, my life will be okay.

But I don’t want my life to be okay. I want my life to be fucking fabulous. I want to actually enjoy life and do the things that I want to do. Do the things that make me happy, not what anyone else wants me to do. YUCK. If there’s one thing to know about me. I’ve never followed the rules. Hence why I live my life around the world. I look at the world and see it as my playground.

Ashlee Braxton

It’s only recently that I’ve been having these liberating thoughts and really acting upon them. I’m so happy to be on this journey because it’s really changing my life and who I am. I really believe in manifesting and in the power of changing your life. (I swear by Joe Dispenza) I was actually listening to this exact podcast episode with him and Lewis Howes that triggered me today to go on this rant.

Listen to the podcast episode with Lewis Howes and Dr. Joe Dispenza

But who made these laws? And who says it has to be what’s written for me?

No, for me, I am special. For me I am lucky. For me life loves me. Life spoils me. Life brings me things expectedly and unexpectedly. Life comes in and treats me like the queen that I am. I am in charge of my life and what I want, goes. I get what I want because I deserve to have it. I am worthy of everything I am wanting and its not wrong for me to think or feel this way. Ever.

But like I said, I haven’t always felt this way about myself. I used to think it wasn’t okay to think and feel the way I do. But the more time life allows me to sit and think about myself, my true self is immersing.

How I think about myself, my self worth, all the things I desire, those deep feelings have been increasing as I practice them more and more. Any and every situation that life throws at me is a chance for practice. Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I don’t. But when I do, and when I start to go on a rant of my self-worth, I know I’m on the right path and a manifestation will follow shortly after.

You see it’s about feeling worthy and deserving BEFORE the things come to you. It’s about feeling like you’re the luckiest bitch in the world before that lucky moment happens. It’s about feeling like it's all going to workout before it works out.

Ashlee Braxton event hostess

So I dare you to dream your biggest dream and believe in it. I dare you to know that life WILL workout in your favor and be there for you. I dare you to know that life is and will be there for you and support you always. You should know that every time something looks like a setback, its not actually a setback, it’s a blessing.

I learned all of this from my inspo Queen: Oprah. Read my Oprah journey.

And when you feel that moment of self-confidence, that flaming burning sensation inside of you that you are a queen goddess worthy of all the gardens and mountains of Greece, believe it and KNOW its real. It’s for you, because you’re worthy. Mellow in it. Stretch it for as long as you can. Live in that feeling and embody it until it becomes you.

I welcome my inner queen goddess: Hathor.


My Inner Goddess: Hathor


Oprah. My ICON