Breaking Free: Embracing Identity Beyond Color and Stereotypes
Before I begin this, let me first begin by saying, yes racism exists, it can happen to anyone, I do not know your personal story and this my own opinion. I’m writing this because I know the right person will see it, read it, and have a different thought which can lead to a new action of them making a new choice for their life.
After living abroad for almost a decade (yes, this year marks my 10 year European life)
I have to say America has a narrative for black women that isn’t quite the same as the rest of the world. But the only reason I know that is because I’m out of the country.
America really sees color
We have this condition where we call each other out by our inborn, external and outside skin COLOR rather than classifying ourselves as one, Americans. Whereas when I’m in Europe, I’m looked at as an American FIRST. After that initial distinction then someone may or may not ask me about my roots, but my color isn’t what defines me. It’s the country where I come from.
I liked this concept and I used it to begin my journey to dive deeper into who I was. Who would I be if I only just saw myself as “american woman”, or an “American” or just a “woman”? I let go of carrying so many weights of the different stereotypes.
As I lightened the load, I felt more free. In this freedom, I gave my self a gift: the gift of permission.
I gave myself permission to apply to jobs I wouldn’t have normally applied to.
I gave myself permission to speak up and ask for things. I gave myself the greenlight to just go after the things I wanted and to not wait. I began to addess myself as Ashlee.
I got curious about my own values, my own wants and needs and I embarked on a journey who I was. I started to peel back the layers of who I was on the inside. I stripped away a color, my country, my gender and just began to breathe as Ashlee and live for her fulfillment.
Sure, racism exists and to be honest at some point we can all be racist or uneducated about other people’s lives. (C’mon let’s really look in the mirror and be honest)
No matter who you are, I highly recommend you take an international solo travel trip this year.
It’s important and essential for you to be stripped away of a narrative that you may have subconsciously taken on for yourself and make your own.
Who would you be if you wrote you wrote your own rules? Are you living and breathing as that human today? And how do you define yourself? Would you be alright with your current story, or are you made for something more?
I would love any open discussions on this. Don’t be afraid to share your comments below ✨